Hello, my name is Lisa!

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I am a wife, mom, coach, entrepreneur, trainer, and I’m passionate about helping YOU be the best version of yourself. 

I work with women who are trying to understand what works for them in their current stage of life (40’s, 50’s, 60’s, 70’s.). I believe everyone’s story, situation and body are different, and therefore there is no one right way for everybody. 

In our work together we work on helping you learn what works for you. We create your own personal wellness journey. There are no comparisons as we truly work on your goals. 

I believe that wellness is about your mind, your body and most importantly your spirit. Discovering what this means to you will help you become SOLID AT YOUR CORE.. I also believe that when you are solid at your core physically, emotionally, mentally – you are a better mom, spouse, family member, and friend.

Is this you?

As someone who’s been there first hand, you may be thinking: 

“I have no motivation to start.”

 “I don’t have time to be healthy.”

“I am just so confused on what will work for me.”

“I feel guilty taking time out for myself.”

You put everyone else first, but really you need to start putting yourself first. Your mind, body and spirit will thank you – and your family will too.

I have been there…

Through the years, there have been many personal and family moments that have challenged me and shaken me to my core; both physically and emotionally: 

  •  I have had many challenging “momma” moments where I wondered if I was really meant to be a mom to two girls (let alone a mom to begin with).

  • Arguments with my husband where I wondered if we were really meant to be married at all.

  • Setbacks in my work life that have made me question where I am headed.

  • Health issues that scared me to death.

  •  Weight gains, belly fat and body changes that made me feel sad.

  • Challenges and disagreements with family members that made me question who I was.

  • Now here I am at age 50, in full menopause and digging in to figure out what works and doesn’t work for me in this “next” stage of life.

To me, health and wellness is a journey. Where you have been matters. Why you were there matters, but what is next matters most.

I found balance…

Each time, as I sat there in our daughter’s bedroom, or with my husband, or at the doctor, or alone in my bedroom, or currently - looking at myself in the mirror feeling tired, frustrated, and confused – what the HECK  is happening to me now (insert hot flash??)!

Somewhere inside me I hear a little voice. A voice that drives me, pushes me, and tells me that I can do anything and that I can figure ME out. Sometimes the voice gets quiet, but she is always still there, somewhere down in my core…always saying, “You got this.”  “Trust your Core.” “Trust YOU.”  “You can do this.”

During a life change or just simply trying to live life, you can lose the sense of who you are, forgetting that it’s ok to take care of you. I have been there, and I get it. It is important to have the courage to get help in re-establishing your identity as a mom, wife, friend, and family member. 

It is through my journey in all of this, that guides me in wanting to help you. I have learned some things along the way, and they could help you too.

I went to school…

Through the past 10 years, I have become a student of my mind, my body, my spirit, and my fitness routine. This study of my own health, wellness, and fitness lead me to a career as:

  • an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach in 2013;

  • continued work in Gut and Hormone Health in 2015;

  • a Certified Personal Trainer in 2016;

  • a Yoga instructor in May 2020;

National Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach - as of August 2023.

What I believe…


Everybody’s body and journey to health is DIFFERENT. There is not just one nutritional theory that is perfect for everyone. So much goes into this and it changes over time. What is happening in your mind, in your life and in your relationships matter just as much as the food and fitness do. Bottom line, it all works together.  

Through our work together we will discover what works for you - your mind, body, and spirit.  To me, this work is about you getting SOLID AT YOUR CORE.  You do you! 

You deserve it, and I am looking forward to figuring it out together. 

 Let’s schedule a discovery call to get you started!