How to be Calm During Times of Stress

Stress and anxiety can drain your energy and your work and routine life can make you feel overwhelmed.  Getting caught up in things beyond your control does cause stress. There are ways to help during stressful and anxious periods of your life.  Here are some ways to cope during these times:


The next time you’re faced with a stressful situation stop what you’re doing and perform the following steps:

  • Take five deep breaths in and out (your belly should come forward with each inhale).

  • Imagine all that stress leaving your body with each exhale.

  • Smile. Fake it if you have to. It’s pretty hard to stay grumpy with a goofy grin on your face.

Loosen up

After your breathing session, perform a quick body scan to identify any areas that are tight or tense. Clenched jaw? Rounded shoulders? Anything else that isn’t at ease?

Gently touch or massage any of your body parts that are under tension to encourage total relaxation. It might help to imagine you’re in a place that calms you: the lake, hot tub, or nature trail.  

Let Go

Difficult but very effective.

The thing that seems like the end of the world right now?  It’s not!

Stressing and worrying about the situation you’re in won’t do any good because you’re already in it, so just let it go.

Look at the Big Picture

The next time you find your stress level skyrocketing, take a deep breath, and ask yourself:

Will this matter to me…

  • Next week?

  • Next month?

  • Next year?

  • In 10 years?

Stop agonizing over things you can’t control because you’re only hurting yourself.

Stop Demanding Perfection of Yourself

You’re not one is.  Demanding perfection of yourself (or anybody else) will only stress you out because it just isn’t possible.

Practice Patience Every Day

Here’re a few ways you can practice patience every day, increasing your ability to remain calm and cool in times of stress:

  • The next time you go to the grocery store, get in the longest line.

  • Instead of going through the drive-thru at your bank, go inside.

  • Take a long walk through a secluded park or trail.

Staying calm in stressful situations is possible, all you need is some daily practice.

Taking deep breaths and eating mindfully are some simple ways to train your brain to be more patient. But changing the way you think of a situation and staying positive are most important in keeping cool whenever you feel overwhelmed and stressful.