Resolution Ready?

The new year is upon us now. That means for many it is resolution time. Ready this year? Is this the year that you are going to make those goals?

What is a Resolution?

Resolutions come in many different forms. Some people make a goal to change bad habits, while others create theirs to start good habits. The common theme is to improve your life in some way in the new year.

Some Popular Resolutions

The most popular resolutions made each year appear to revolve around fitness and health. Some people set expectations for January 1st with hopes of weight loss. Still, other people make budget plans and many make social goals to be with friends and family more.

Be careful with what you choose. Statistics show that only 8% -10% of the people making new year resolutions actually achieve them. Mistakes are frequently made from the start. Often multiple resolutions are made that become too complicated to maintain. Many goals set may be either overly ambitious or could be unrealistic. Minor setbacks tend to discourage you from continuing and then the resolution is done.

Some Tips for Making Successful Resolutions

  • Consider not placing all the pressure on the first day of the year.
    Every day is a new day and a new start, so use each day.

  • Make a goal that is manageable and realistic. Don’t make many goals.
    Making small changes gradually and being open to flexibility is beneficial to your success.

  • Do not go out on your own with lofty goals.
    Find accountability by getting a buddy to join you, or a coach to guide and motivate you.

  • Write out your goals!
    Writing and rewriting your goals daily connects you to them.

  • Take your resolution seriously.
    As with any goals, know why you want to achieve them. The more they mean to you, the apt you are to push yourself to succeed.

Happy Resolution Writing!