7 Ways to Improve Your Eating Habits

Have you ever heard someone say, “You are what you eat?” Well– it is true. Studies have shown that the majority of the diseases we see today are byproducts of the unhealthy and processed foods we eat. Not only that, but the foods you choose to eat each and every day have more of an effect on your body than you might realize.

Here are 7 ways you can improve your eating habits:

Drink Water

Your body needs water to function properly. Studies have shown the amount of water you should consume each day depends on your weight. Doctors suggest drinking between half an ounce to one ounce of water for each pound that you way. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds you should drink between 100-200 ounces per day. (8 ounces = 1 cup)

Cut Out The Soda

Yes, that includes Diet sodas too! Most sodas are high in calories. Diet sodas are low in calories, but high in sugar. Some studies show that artificial sweeteners can mess up your metabolism and trick your body into thinking it is hungry when it is not. This can lead to overeating and ultimately weight gain.

Opt for Wheat Instead of White

Try to substitute whole grains into your diet whenever possible. This is increasingly becoming easier with brands offering wheat as an alternative. Whole grains also help you add more fiber into your diet which is important to your digestive tract. The more fiber a food has, the longer you will feel full.


Love your morning cup of coffee? Try reducing coffee consumption to once a day or once a week. Try the same with alcohol and sweets. Not only will moderation make these treats taste that much better, but you will have something to look forward to.

Add Some Color

Adding color to your food choices can help maintain balance in your diet. Try colors like red, yellow, green. The possibilities are endless. For most of us we have heard our whole life, “Eat your veggies!” As it turns out, our parents knew what they were talking about. It might be challenging at first but meal planning can assist in ensuring you get a good balance of both fruits and veggies each day. Opt for a salad with grilled chicken instead of a hamburger. Instead of your bag of chips for a snack, try an apple or strawberries as a healthy alternative between meals.

Meal Planning

Meal planning is a great way to shop more efficiently, eat better, and gives you a change to try some new healthier recipes. By planning your meals for the week in advance, you will challenge yourself to stay within the moderation you have measured for your specific weight loss program.  As an added bonus, saving time may help with allowing you to exercise more frequently.

Don’t Wait

Have you have ever participated in a cleanse/detoxt? After a few days of getting rid of the junk we usually put into our bodies, you can immediately feel the benefits from eating better and healthier foods.

Healthy foods don’t have to be boring. Raw veggies like celery, sweet potatoes, spinach, and oranges can actually help your body to reduce stress and fight off sickness. The better you eat, the better you will feel and that will carry over into what kind of shape you are in so ultimately, you will end up looking better too.