Your Post Workout Matters

Having a good workout is important, but having and maintaining a recovery system that aids in transforming your body and increases your energy is a big secret weapon. Good post-workout ideas can benefit you and your results.


Researchers found that using recovery methods can benefit your results in several ways. These include becoming stronger, faster, leaner, and more overall fit. Most people recover from a workout within 24 hours. Intense workouts can take 48-72 hours. It is essential to give your body a break by changing up the pace, intensity, and distance and concentrating on different areas of the body.


Eat protein and carbs right after the workout

Eat within 30-60 minutes of your exercise to start a repair and refuel of your muscles. Typically, 10-20 grams of protein and one to two ratios of protein to carbs. Also, be sure you rehydrate with at least 16 ounces of water during that time.

Stretching and Foam Rolling

Foam rolling helps increase circulation in the muscles and tissue and aids in lining up the muscles to their normal resting size. Foam roll first and then stretch your body. Concentrate on the major muscles and include the lower back. Get in the practice of using the foam roller if you don’t already.

The Ice/Heat question

Athletic Trainers agree that icing for 10 minutes after a tough workout aids in slowing blood flow and helps with inflammation and swelling. You can continue icing throughout the day. The next day it goes to heat, which speeds up the blood flow. Heating pads, thermal heat patches, or hot showers work as heat.

Sleep practice and rest days

Lack of sleep harms your fitness and your results. Be sure you maintain 7-9 hours of sleep each night. Rest days are important, but rest days don’t mean that you do nothing. Be sure you keep moving. Use that time for a walk or hike outside, or a good stretch or yoga session.

Use your recovery time as part of your training time to increase your results and improve your workout benefits.